Restaurant Gandolfo

At Hotel Eydt, you will find not only comfortable accommodations, but also excellent dining in the restaurant under the gastronomic leadership of Fabio Gandolfo

Innenfoto Gastraum Hotel Eydt
Guestroom “Momentchen“ in the Hotel Eydt Kirchheim

German-Italian cuisine in a cozy atmosphere

The restaurant is currently open from Monday to Sunday, from 18:00 to 22:00. You will feel comfortable in the cozy atmosphere of our rustic pub ‘Momentchen,’ or you can enjoy fresh air and plenty of sunshine from our sun terrace.

Holding meetings in the Hotel Eydt

Our hotel complex has a total of four guestrooms which are available to be rented for all kinds of events such as meetings, club festivals, etc.:

  • Guestroom “Momentchen“: 40 persons
  • Salon “Zirbelstube“: 45 persons
  • Salon “Heustadl“: 60 persons
  • Salon “Kupferspiegel“: 80 persons

You can rent every room individually. The rooms Momentchen, Zirbelstube and Heustadl can also be opened to form a large cohesive room, thus providing sufficient space for up to 140 persons.

Schrägaufnahme Tagungsraum Hotel Eydt
Seminar room in the Hotel Eydt Kirchheim

Are you looking for adequate rooms for your event?
Please ask us and reserve your date.

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